Boost vitality with Herbal Well Cardio, promoting heart health and circulation through a potent Ginseng Plus blend.

Boost vitality with Herbal Well Cardio, promoting heart health and circulation through a potent Ginseng Plus blend. Its potent blend, centered around Panax notoginseng, works harmoniously to cleanse the blood of impurities and enhance overall cardiovascular function.
In conclusion, a significantly greater number of participants supplemented with GinsengPlus had reductions in three CVD risk factors (LDL-C, HDL-C and SBP) compared to placebo a population with cholesterol levels above optimal. Participants supplemented with GinsengPlus had significant reductions in serum LDL-C from baseline at 8 weeks which was maintained to 12 weeks. Forty-two percent of participants with borderline high levels of LDL-C at baseline had reductions in CVD risk factors when supplemented with GinsengPlus.
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관련 기사
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