アスタキサンチンの 8 つの健康上の利点
広域抗がん剤ドキソルビシン (Dox) は心毒性の発生率が高く、薬剤の臨床応用と患者の生活の質に重大な影響を与えます。ここでは、Dox が心筋エネルギーと収縮機能をどのように調節するかを評価し、これは関連する保護薬の開発に役立つ可能性があります。
If you have never heard of Astaxanthin, then you are not alone; a quick unscientific survey carried out at work revealed that not one of my colleagues knew what I was talking about. That is nothing new but this little known carotenoid has been extensively studied in recent years and these studies reveal that astaxanthin might well do wonders for your health.
Polygonum capitatum, known as “Tou Hua Liao” (Chinese name), is a crucial source of Hmong medicinal plants that has benefited human health for a long time. This folk-medicinal plant is widely distributed in the south-west of China for the treatment of various urologic disorders including urinary tract infections, pyelonephritis, and urinary calculus.
Stroke and myocardial infarction are among the most common causes of mortality and disability in the world. The ischemic injury underlying these illnesses is complex, involving intricate interplays among many biological functions including energy metabolism, vascular regulation,
科学的にはPolygonum capitatumとして知られる花のようなイタドリは、タデ科に属する草本の多年生植物です。東アジア、特に中国、日本、韓国が原産で、世界中のさまざまな地域に帰化しています。一般に「イタドリ」と呼ばれるこの植物は、その旺盛な成長、独特の節のような花の房、および侵略的な性質で知られています。